price list


Botulinum Toxin-A is a safe and effective product used by millions of patients every year and in our experience, “Botox” is still very misunderstood, even amongst patients who have been having it for some years. When used with expert hands, it leaves you with a refreshed and rejuvenated appearance.
Key applications: Facial lines/folds, Teeth grinding/TMJ dysfunction, Downturned mouth/puckered chin, Sweating (armpits, face, head), Migraine, Neck (platysmal) bands, Gummy smile.


Incredible advancements in filler technology and techniques, combined with the team’s 20 years of experience with fillers, allow us to address a wide array of concerns. This includes age lines, volume loss (often ignored!), smoker’s/kiss lines and thin lips. Our speciality is to design a personal plan to make small subtle changes at multiple areas to create a significant but natural looking result. The model of simply injecting some filler into one area the patient points out is outdated and does the person no justice. Beauty is about restoring and maintaining harmony in the face. This means a truly holistic assessment is required and the skill of facial assessment is a highly tuned one, based on knowledge of facial anatomy, genetic and age-related changes and the psychology of beauty. This is as important as the ability of your practitioner in performing the actual treatment.


PDO THREAD LIFTS – Redefine the contours of your face with immediate results. The procedure is non-surgical, minimally invasive and tightens sagging skin. This innovative facial/neck rejuvenation procedure delivers natural-looking results tailored to your face and neck.



AQUALYX is an injectable, hydrous, micro-gelatinous solution, which is biocompatible and biodegradable. It causes the dissolution of fat cells, after which the body then expels the released fatty acids naturally. It can be used anywhere on the body including, arms, thighs, abdomen and even chin.



IV (intravenous) IM (intramuscular) boosters are essentially different delivery mechanisms for the same thing: both are therapies that supply hydration, vitamins and minerals directly into your body, bypassing the digestive system so they are fully and immediately absorbed.

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